General Definitions

API Endpoints

Here are the API endpoints you need to know:


We are committed to providing a secure environment for your integration. Here's how we ensure that:

  • HTTPS Protocol: All communications with Abundance Brasil's APIs occur exclusively through the HTTPS protocol, ensuring a secure and protected environment.
  • OAuth 2.0: Our APIs operate with the OpenID Connect authorization protocol, built on the solid foundation of OAuth 2.0. This allows your applications to access client resources with consent. Learn more in Authentication and Authorization.

Identity Server

To simplify authentication and authorization, we present our Identity Server. Here, partner applications can obtain consent and authorization to operate on behalf of clients using Abundance Brasil's APIs. Explore details in the Authentication and Authorization Processes of Abundance Brasil's APIs.

Response Codes

Our HTTP status codes help you understand the outcome of each request:

  • 2XX Codes: Everything worked perfectly.
  • 4XX Codes: The issue is with your request. Usually, it's due to parameter errors or missing data.
  • 5XX Codes: The fault is ours. Something failed on our servers.

Here are the most common codes:

Status CodeDescription
200 - OKThe request was successful.
201 - CreatedA new resource was created. The Location header informs the address of the created resource.
202 - AcceptedRequest accepted for asynchronous operations.
400 - Bad RequestMalformed request, usually due to invalid parameters or missing data.
401 - UnauthorizedNo valid authorization. Typically an error in token authentication.
403 - ForbiddenAuthenticated token, but no permissions for the operation.
404 - Not FoundThe resource was not found.
409 - ConflictConflict with a previous request. Can occur due to the use of an already-used idempotent key or an existing resource.
429 - Too Many RequestsExcessive client requests in a short period.
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server ErrorsProblems on our servers. Refer to the status page for more details.


When making requests to Abundance Brasil's APIs, follow these conventions:

  • Date: Use the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example: 2023-08-18.
  • Currency: Use the representation 000.01, as in: 500.25.

This version of the Technical Manual aims to provide clear and helpful information for you, allowing you to take full advantage of Abundance Brasil's APIs. We appreciate your partnership and are excited to see what you will build with our technology.